Write for Us | Pave Template

Write for Us: Thank you for contacting Pavetemplate editorial Team! We are glad to receive well-written contributions.

We are always looking for new enthusiastic writers that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward.

Before you send anything, please make sure you follow our Guest Post Guidelines:

Please do not send previously published works.

The post should be Engaging, unique, and well-formatted content and not posted somewhere else at the same time.

Article should be minimum 800 words.

Use relevant images, charts, and Infographics. Try to avoid stock photos that don’t add any value to the copy.

Include key takeaways to keep readers interested.

Pitch your guest post ideas about:

WordPress, Hosting, Blogging, Copywriting, Marketing, Resources/tools/best sites, Social media marketing success stories, etc.

If you’re sending a sponsored post or a guest post article that might include backlinks, please send a query alongside your submission.

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